Guest Lectures Archives - haruv Tue, 17 Nov 2020 18:43:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1מכון-חרוב_עץ-בנפרד-32x32.png Guest Lectures Archives - haruv 32 32 Guest lectures held in 2019 Thu, 02 Jul 2020 10:30:28 +0000 according to the annual report

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Autism: Lecture by Prof. Cory Schulman for Tulsa Professionals

March 7, 2019

Partners: PCCT – The Parent Child Center of Tulsa

Background and Goal: PCCT staff encounter many children with autism. Prof. Cory Schulman of the Baerwald School of Social Work in Israel, shared knowledge and experience accumulated in Israel.

Target Population: Social workers and therapeutic professionals at PCCT

Number of Sessions: 1

Number of Participants: 30

Location:  Learning Center, Oklahoma University


Treating Children who Experience Trauma: Dr. Iris Tsadok for Social Work Students

March 2019

Partners: Tulsa University – OU, ORU and OU, Norman

Goal:  Provide information on child victims of trauma and how to treat them

Target Population:  Students of Social Work and caregivers

Number of Sessions: Total of 6:  5 for students, 1 for caregivers

Number of Participants: Total of 130

Location:  Partnering universities



Avital Friedman for Staff Members and Social Work Students at Various Universities

January – March 2019

Goal: Exposure to different aspects of child maltreatment, based upon experience accumulated in Israel. Teach the theater simulation technique and therapeutic dialogue with child victims of trauma.

Target Population: Oklahoma University faculty members, Oral Roberts University social work students, Dr. Mary Brandt’s class, Norman University Oklahoma

Number of Sessions: 6

Number of Participants: Total of 70

Location: Respective universities



Shosh Turgeman for Professional Teams and Students

September 17, 2019

Goal: Share knowledge on sibling sexual abuse and experience in Israel, with social workers and therapeutic professionals.

Target Population: DVIS staff, CAN Emergency Center staff and B.A. students

Number of Sessions:Total of 3, one per group

Number of Participants:Total of 70: 50 centers staff and 20 students

Location: DVIS Center, CAN Emergency Center and the Teaching Center at OU University



Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh on the Haruv Institute and its Activities in the Field of Children at Risk

November 1, 2019

Partners: The Schusterman Foundation

Goal: Impart information to Tulsa’s key figures on children at risk and The Haruv Institute activities.

Target Population: Foundation staff, Tulsa

Number of Sessions: 1

Number of Participants: 10

Location:  The Summit Club, Tulsa



Trauma in Preschoolers: Training Seminar with Dr. Paula David

October 21, 2019

Goal: Provide multi-disciplinary staff with information on trauma in preschoolers and its effect on their behavior.

Target Population:Tulsa Emergency Center staff, Tulsa Youth Services staff, PCCT psychotherapists

Number of Sessions: Total of 3, one per group

Number of Participants:Total of 85: 10 crisis center staff members, 60 Tulsa Youth Services staff members, 15 psychotherapists from PCCT

Location: OU–Tulsa Learning Center, PCCT

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