Child Abuse and Neglect and Child Trauma Archives - haruv Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:56:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1מכון-חרוב_עץ-בנפרד-32x32.png Child Abuse and Neglect and Child Trauma Archives - haruv 32 32 Children of Incarcerated Parents: Consequences and Best Practices Tue, 03 Sep 2024 19:28:29 +0000 September 30, 2024, 10am-12pm Central Time on Zoom Marcus Shaw, Ph.D. CEUs available for Social Work and LPC: $10 for 2 credit hours Workshop Description: This workshop will center on the following areas: 1) An overview of the current research and consequences of parental incarceration, 2) A discussion around secrecy and potential long-term consequences of […]

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September 30, 2024, 10am-12pm Central Time on Zoom

Marcus Shaw, Ph.D.

CEUs available for Social Work and LPC: $10 for 2 credit hours

Workshop Description: This workshop will center on the following areas: 1) An overview of the current research and consequences of parental incarceration, 2) A discussion around secrecy and potential long-term consequences of this form of child-parent separation, 3) A practical approach to best practices when dealing with this population, 4) A discussion of best interests of the child.

Dr. Marcus Shaw is an Associate Professor of Criminology at California State University Fresno. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology from University of California Merced, Masters in Social Sciences from University of California Merced, and his Bachelors in Sociology from California State University Stanislaus. His research concerns the intergenerational impacts of mass incarceration on children and more specifically, the deleterious impacts of parental incarceration on child well-being. Dr. Shaw has published both quantitative and qualitative studies in this area and has served as an expert in Federal and State court in cases regarding children of incarcerated parents. Dr. Shaw works one on one counseling adolescents and runs successful mentoring and service-learning programs at Fresno State. He has worked with hundreds of youth during his tenure and as he grew up a troubled youth, he has a heart for reintegration, rehabilitation, and redemption.

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Haruv USA for Youth at Heart Team: Trauma Informed Care – It’s Who You Are Tue, 18 Jun 2024 14:42:20 +0000 August 7, 8:30am – 12pm OU-Tulsa Learning Center, room 145 (4502 E 41st Street, Tulsa, OK 74135) DeJon Knapp, LCSW, Haruv USA Director DeJon Knapp is a licensed clinical social worker and Director of Haruv USA.  Haruv USA is an international training institute focused on training students and professionals on the treatment, identification, and prevention […]

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August 7, 8:30am – 12pm

OU-Tulsa Learning Center, room 145 (4502 E 41st Street, Tulsa, OK 74135)

DeJon Knapp, LCSW, Haruv USA Director

DeJon Knapp is a licensed clinical social worker and Director of Haruv USA.  Haruv USA is an international training institute focused on training students and professionals on the treatment, identification, and prevention of child abuse and neglect.  Prior to her work at Haruv USA, DeJon worked for Oklahoma Human Services in Child Welfare, for Youth Services of Tulsa in Street Outreach, and served as the Vice President of Safe Housing at Domestic Violence Intervention Services.  DeJon is also a board approved clinical supervisor, a Tulsa Service Year Fellowship Mentor, and an adjunct professor at the University of Tulsa where she teaches a course on child abuse & neglect.

Workshop description

This workshop is designed for anyone working with at-risk youth, providing them with essential knowledge and practical skills to implement trauma-informed care. Participants will learn how to create safe, supportive environments that acknowledge the impact of trauma on young people’s lives and promote healing and resilience.

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Haruv USA for Safe Babies Court Team: Trauma Informed Care – It’s Who You Are Tue, 28 May 2024 20:11:47 +0000  July 23, 8:30am-12:00pm FCJJ Training Room, 500 W Archer St, Tulsa, OK 74103 with Lauren Garder, LPC Lauren Garder is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a decade of experience in mental health and victim services. The focus of Lauren’s career has been chronic trauma and victimization. Lauren has worked at across the spectrum of services […]

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 July 23, 8:30am-12:00pm

FCJJ Training Room, 500 W Archer St, Tulsa, OK 74103

with Lauren Garder, LPC

Lauren Garder is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a decade of experience in mental health and victim services. The focus of Lauren’s career has been chronic trauma and victimization. Lauren has worked at across the spectrum of services from hotlines to therapy to working in administration for the ODMHSAS overseeing trauma services and outpatient treatment for suicidality across the State. Lauren is now “back in the chair” in private practice in Oklahoma City providing therapy, expert witness, and consulting in her areas of expertise.

Workshop description

Trauma-informed care is an approach in healthcare and social services that recognizes and responds to the effects of all types of trauma. It emphasizes understanding, recognizing, and responding to the signs, symptoms, and risks of trauma to better support the well-being of individuals who have experienced traumatic events. The goal of this training is for Safe Babies Court Team to continue to build an environment that fosters healing and recovery and reduces the risk of re-traumatization for the families we serve.

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Understanding the Impact of Child Abuse on Boys Fri, 19 Jan 2024 21:28:01 +0000 Haruv on the Air February 26, 9am-11am CST on Zoom Registration: $10 CEUs available for social work and LPC: $20 for 2 credit hours Victor Vieth, J.D. has trained thousands of child-protection professionals from all 50 states, two U.S. Territories, and 17 countries on numerous topics pertaining to child abuse investigations, prosecutions, and prevention. Victor […]

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Haruv on the Air

February 26, 9am-11am CST on Zoom

Registration: $10

CEUs available for social work and LPC: $20 for 2 credit hours

Victor Vieth, J.D. has trained thousands of child-protection professionals from all 50 states, two U.S. Territories, and 17 countries on numerous topics pertaining to child abuse investigations, prosecutions, and prevention. Victor gained national recognition for his work in addressing child abuse in small communities as a prosecutor in rural Minnesota, and has been named to the President’s Honor Roll of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children. Victor earned an MA in theology from Wartburg Seminary. Victor is the Chief Program Officer of Education and Research for the Zero Abuse Project, a public charity based in St Paul, MN, committed to education, training, and survivor support in order to eradicate child sex abuse.

Workshop Description:

In this workshop, attendees will receive an overview of the impact of trauma on children with a special focus on how sexual abuse, physical abuse, and other forms of trauma impact boys. Research suggests boys who have endured trauma are more reluctant to disclose abuse and, when they do, less likely to receive services. In light of these dynamics, the workshop offers suggestions for improved medical and mental health services for boys, as well as suggestions for forensic interviewers and investigators responding to cases of abuse or neglect involving boys.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Articulate factors identified by researchers that make boys particularly reluctant to disclose child abuse and neglect.
  2. Articulate concrete steps for more sensitive responses to male victims during forensic interviews, police or child protection investigations, as well as medical and mental health screenings.

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Engaging Relationships to Treat Early Trauma Tue, 02 Jan 2024 20:30:25 +0000 The Promise and Challenge of Disseminating Child-Parent Psychotherapy The 10th Patricia Van Horn Memorial Lecture Monday, January 29, 10am – 12pm CST on Zoom Registration: $12 CEUs available for social work and LPC: $20 for 2 credit hours Greetings: Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh, General Director, Haruv Institute This lecture will provide a brief description of Child-Parent […]

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The Promise and Challenge of Disseminating Child-Parent Psychotherapy

The 10th Patricia Van Horn Memorial Lecture

Monday, January 29, 10am – 12pm CST on Zoom

Registration: $12

CEUs available for social work and LPC: $20 for 2 credit hours

Greetings: Prof. Asher Ben-Arieh, General Director, Haruv Institute

This lecture will provide a brief description of Child-Parent Psychotherapy as an evidence-based treatment for trauma-exposed young children, including the intergenerational transmission of trauma and its impact on developmental trajectories starting in infancy. The importance of a clear fidelity framework to guide effective training and dissemination will be described using a clinical case presentation that illustrates the multiple facets of treatment when parents cannot serve as reliable protectors due to their own traumatic experiences. The talk will also describe strategies to apply the principles of Child-Parent Psychotherapy for outreach to very low-income and marginalized populations, including countries where there is scarcity of mental health providers and large numbers of children and adults exposed to societal and family violence.

Dr. Alicia F. Lieberman

Alicia F. Lieberman, Ph.D., is Irving B. Harris Endowed Chair in Infant Mental Health, Professor at the UCSF Department of Psychiatry, and director of the UCSF Child Trauma Research Program.  She directs the Early Trauma Treatment Network, a center of the federally funded National Child Traumatic Stress Network. She is the senior developer of Child-Parent Psychotherapy, a widely used evidence-based treatment for traumatized children aged birth-5 and their families. Her research involves treatment outcome studies with traumatized young children from low-income and under-represented minority groups. Her book The Emotional Life of the Toddler, translated to several languages, has been in print for almost 30 years and is now in its second edition.  Her professional books on childhood exposure to violence have been translated to several languages, including versions in Arabic and Hebrew that are used to increase understanding and foster dialogue between Israeli and Palestinian service providers. Born and raised in Paraguay, she received her professional training at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The Johns Hopkins University.  This cross-cultural experience as a Jewish Latina and American informs her commitment to culturally responsive services and to increasing access and raising the standard of care for low-income and minoritized children and families. She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the 2023 UCSF Holly Smith Award for Exceptional University Service, 2020 Zero to Three Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016 Rene Spitz Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Association of Infant Mental Health (WAIMH), 2017 Whole Child Award from the Simms/Mann Institute, and 2016 Public Health Hero from the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

Discussion: Dr. Paula David

Clinical social worker, Director of Training Programs, Haruv Institute.

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Truth-telling Initiatives for Survivors of Child Abuse (OU-Norman) Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:21:12 +0000 October 11, 1:15pm – 2:45pm  OU-Norman, Zarrow Hall (Community Room) 700 Elm Ave., Norman, OK CEUs available for LCSW and LPC: $15 for 1.5 credit hours Lunch will be provided, starting at 12:30pm Sandra White Hawk, Founder and Director of First Nations Repatriation Institute, Director of Healing Programs, National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition […]

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October 11, 1:15pm – 2:45pm 

OU-Norman, Zarrow Hall (Community Room) 700 Elm Ave., Norman, OK

CEUs available for LCSW and LPC: $15 for 1.5 credit hours

Lunch will be provided, starting at 12:30pm

Sandra White Hawk, Founder and Director of First Nations Repatriation Institute, Director of Healing Programs, National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition

Prof. Sabine Andresen, Head of the Educational Science Department at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main

We are incredibly fortunate to have Sandra White Hawk and Professor Sabine Andresen join us for the 2023 Melton Visiting Professor events. Both have led national efforts to address and facilitate justice and healing for survivors of childhood trauma. Sandra White Hawk is a Sicangu Lakota adoptee from the Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota. Abused in her adoptive home, Sandra White Hawk has been a national leader in organizing Truth Healing Reconciliation Community Forums to help First Nations people impacted by foster care or adoption return home, reconnect, and reclaim their identity. Professor Andresen led a similar effort in her home country of Germany, but with a different structure. She co-founded German’s Independent Commission for Child Sexual Abuse Issues from a roundtable created after numerous children came forward with horrifying accounts of childhood sexual abuse by trusted adults and institutions. Professor Andresen is now the head of the Educational Science Department at Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main. A report in English on the German inquiry can be found here.

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Truth-telling Initiatives for Survivors of Child Abuse (OU-Tulsa) Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:17:36 +0000 October 10, 1:15pm – 2:45pm  OU-Tulsa Learning Center (Founders Hall): 4502 E 41st Street, Tulsa, OK CEUs available for LCSW and LPC: $15 for 1.5 credit hours Lunch will be provided, starting at 12:30pm Sandra White Hawk, Founder and Director of First Nations Repatriation Institute, Director of Healing Programs, National Native American Boarding School Healing […]

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October 10, 1:15pm – 2:45pm 

OU-Tulsa Learning Center (Founders Hall): 4502 E 41st Street, Tulsa, OK

CEUs available for LCSW and LPC: $15 for 1.5 credit hours

Lunch will be provided, starting at 12:30pm

Sandra White Hawk, Founder and Director of First Nations Repatriation Institute, Director of Healing Programs, National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition

Prof. Sabine Andresen, Head of the Educational Science Department at Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main

We are incredibly fortunate to have Sandra White Hawk and Professor Sabine Andresen join us for the 2023 Melton Visiting Professor events. Both have led national efforts to address and facilitate justice and healing for survivors of childhood trauma. Sandra White Hawk is a Sicangu Lakota adoptee from the Rosebud Reservation, South Dakota. Abused in her adoptive home, Sandra White Hawk has been a national leader in organizing Truth Healing Reconciliation Community Forums to help First Nations people impacted by foster care or adoption return home, reconnect, and reclaim their identity. Professor Andresen led a similar effort in her home country of Germany, but with a different structure. She co-founded German’s Independent Commission for Child Sexual Abuse Issues from a roundtable created after numerous children came forward with horrifying accounts of childhood sexual abuse by trusted adults and institutions. Professor Andresen is now the head of the Educational Science Department at Goethe-University in Frankfurt am Main. A report in English on the German inquiry can be found here.


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Domestic Violence Through A Child’s Eyes Thu, 09 Feb 2023 20:48:22 +0000 March 28, 1pm-3pm CDT on Zoom CEUs available for LCSW & LPC ($20 for 2 credit hours) Presenter’s bio Jordan Gustin, LPC & Supervisor, IMH-E®(III) has been with DVIS since October of 2015. She started out as a Children’s Trauma Therapist then moved into the Children’s Trauma Program Manager and is now one of the Vice […]

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March 28, 1pm-3pm CDT on Zoom

CEUs available for LCSW & LPC ($20 for 2 credit hours)

Presenter’s bio

Jordan Gustin, LPC & Supervisor, IMH-E®(III) has been with DVIS since October of 2015. She started out as a Children’s Trauma Therapist then moved into the Children’s Trauma Program Manager and is now one of the Vice Presidents of Clinical Services. After receiving a B.A. in Psychology from Northeastern State University, Jordan earned an M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Regent University in Virginia Beach. While in Virginia Beach, she also completed training to become a Certified Traumatologist through the Green Cross Academy.  Throughout her career, she has primarily worked with children and adults who have experienced domestic and/or sexual violence, physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, and other traumas or stressors.


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Haruv USA and ECU Present: Talking to Children and Their Caregivers about Trauma Wed, 18 Jan 2023 17:30:19 +0000 March 10, 10:00am – 1:30pm Estep Center at ECU 1100 E 14th Street, Ada, OK 74820 FREE CEUs available for LCSW and LPC Workshop description Caregivers are the most powerful agents of healing for children who have traumatic experiences.  Attendees will learn how to support caregivers in talking with children about trauma. Through lecture, reflection, […]

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March 10, 10:00am – 1:30pm

Estep Center at ECU 1100 E 14th Street, Ada, OK 74820

FREE CEUs available for LCSW and LPC

Workshop description

Caregivers are the most powerful agents of healing for children who have traumatic experiences.  Attendees will learn how to support caregivers in talking with children about trauma. Through lecture, reflection, and discussion, participants will explore the following topics:

Why should we talk with children about trauma?

Why are adults hesitant to talk with children about trauma?

How do we talk with children about traumatic experiences?

Presenter’s bio

Ashleigh Kraft, LPC-S is the owner of Balanced Perspectives LLC where she provides consultation and training in the areas of infant mental health, non-profit leadership, and trauma informed care.  The major areas of focus in her professional experiences have included working with survivors of domestic violence, child maltreatment, and interpersonal trauma.  She is trained to provide Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT), Child-Parent Psychotherapy (CPP), Circle of Security and Reflective Supervision.  She is a state-wide trainer for CPP in Oklahoma and is endorsed through Zero to Three as a provisionally certified state trainer for DC:0-5.  Ashleigh is passionate about the power of relationships, supporting the professional growth of therapists, and the importance of early relationships.


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Talking with Children about Trauma: Why is it important, and why is it so hard? Tue, 13 Dec 2022 16:44:00 +0000 January 30, 10am-12pm CST on Zoom Registration fee: $8 CEUs available for LCSW & LPC ($20 for 2 credit hours) Lecturer: Paula David, PhD Paula David, PhD, clinical social worker, is a Director of Training Programs at Haruv Institute, Jerusalem, Israel. Private practice with children and adults. Dr. David has worked in both the Israeli […]

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January 30, 10am-12pm CST on Zoom

Registration fee: $8

CEUs available for LCSW & LPC ($20 for 2 credit hours)

Lecturer: Paula David, PhD

Paula David, PhD, clinical social worker, is a Director of Training Programs at Haruv Institute, Jerusalem, Israel. Private practice with children and adults. Dr. David has worked in both the Israeli welfare system and in residential treatment and was responsible for importing CPP (Child-Parent Psychotherapy) to Israel, as well as creating trauma-informed training programs for a wide variety of professionals working with traumatized children.

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