October 10, 11am-12pm
OU-Tulsa Learning Center, Room 136
4502 E 41st Street, Tulsa, OK 74135
Noam Markovitch
Noam Markovitch, Ph.D, graduated from the Hebrew University in developmental psychology with a dissertation focusing on individual differences in environmental susceptibility (awarded outstanding dissertation award by both the Hebrew University and Div. 7 of the APA). Noam is now completing a post-doc studying the basic psychological process underlying gender inequality and sexual exploitation, especially as they pertain to unwanted consensual sexual interactions. Noam will continue this line of research in their next post-doc, starting September 2023, in the Experimental Psychology department at University College London.
Nofar Mazursky
Nofar Mazursky, Ph.D, LCSW, graduated from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel. Her dissertation focused on LGBTQ+ youth in out-of-home placements in Israel, specifically on their perceived risk, vulnerability, resilience, and well-being. The main interesting theme from data analysis is the various types of “prostitution” the interviewees experienced. This theme revealed a surprising finding that took up much volume in the various interviews and emerged among most interviewees. It was found that engaging in “prostitution” evokes a wide range of emotions ranging from positive feelings of acceptance and desirability to negative feelings of hurt and traumatic experiences. Her post-doc year will begins September 2023, at NYU Marron Institute of Urban Management in the Human Exploitation and Resilience lab, led by Dr. Meredith Dank. The projects in this lab focus on the topic of human trafficking both in the U.S. and worldwide and raise the voices of exploited and vulnerable people by highlighting their resilience.