Self-Care Training: CE-CERT Model
July 16, 2021 | 9 am-12:30 pm Central Time
Roy Van Tassell, MS LPC-S
Roy is Director of Trauma and Evidence-Based Interventions for Centene Health, and has provided training in trauma and evidenced-based interventions to providers in over 25 states. A member of the SAMHSA funded National Child Traumatic Stress Network since 2003 he co-chairs the NCTSN Child Sexual Abuse subcommittee for Children with Problem Sexual Behaviors. With a diverse professional background of nearly 40 years, he is one of 70 approved master trainers in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) and has been faculty for nine national and state Learning Collaborative trainings for TF-CBT -as well as a trainer for the national Effective Provider, training program for the American Psychological Association. Roy is also an approved trainer for Components for Enhancing Clinician Experience and Reducing Trauma (CE-CERT), for secondary trauma, and for the Child Adult Relationship Enhancement (CARE) model, a non-clinical approach to improve adult interactions with children. Since 2005 he has partnered with the Oklahoma Dept. of Mental Health’s statewide TF-CBT implementation along with the University of Oklahoma Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, and co-authored one article: An Overview of the Special Issue on Child Trauma for the Juvenile and Family Court Journal [Maze, Van Tassell, Marsh and Fransein; 09/2008; 59(4):3-5]