9 am – 12 pm Central Time | OU-Tulsa Learning Center room 137
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As professionals working in agencies that focus on treating young, traumatized children, we talk about trauma to EVERYONE – to our staff, to the parents who bring their kids in for services, and to the children themselves. This talk will focus upon critical elements of such talk with each of these populations – as well as the pros and cons of becoming a “trauma magnet” when you are known as someone who encourages such conversations.
Paula David, PhD
Paula David, PhD, is director of training programs at the Haruv Institute in Jerusalem, Israel. She received her PhD at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work and Social Welfare at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, and a certificate from the psychotherapy program of the Israel Psychoanalytic Society in Jerusalem. She worked for over 20 years in the Bnai Brith Children’s Home, a residential treatment center for children with complex trauma. Today, she creates training programs and lectures on the topic of trauma-informed intervention. In addition, she lectures at the Paul Baerwald School of Social Work, and has a private practice treating children and adults.
Price – $15
CEUs available for social work – $30 for 3 credit hours